Tuesday 8 December 2020

The Summer learning journey Expirement

Today me and my class room 11 we signed into the summer learning journey its a learning journey But in the summer. So i logged in and i watched a video on how to use Google arts and culture.
I coloured a picture of a woman wearing a kimono. A kimono is a Traditional Japanese Dress it has long sleeves tied with a slash on top of the hips. kimono is pronounced kee-mow-now

Here are two pictures of the same woman wearing the same kimono But my one is on the
Right and the original is on the left. The original one is beautiful art with the pale blue on the kimono as for me The colour on my kimono is cyan with red flowers.

Thank you for looking and reading my blog

Thursday 7 March 2019

Kawa Of Care

We were doing a post of kawa of care. As you can see i did the one where i type gently on my Chromebook cause its the kawa of care. What i really enjoyed about this photo was taking it like it took 10 minutes to take a photo because me and my best friend  pomate had to switch  Chromebooks. The thing that was difficult was moving my own speech bubble it was so difficult move an size the speech bubble. And the last  but not least, was what are my next steps? Well my next steps are learning more about the Chromebook and moving my speech bubble better now . So yeah thats it by the way, it was my first post.

Wednesday 31 January 2018


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.